Pokok Semalu & My Dream Prince

Pokok Semalu & My Dream Prince

How is Pokok Semalu (PS) related to My Dream Prince? I haven’t seen much of PS nowadays as compared to during my childhood days. To those who have not seen or know what it is, PS or Mimosa Pudica (Sensitive Plant) (pudica = shy), is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched, re-opening within minutes. 

When I was a little girl, my friends and I (BTW, girls only!) would always touch it to see whether its leaves would fold inward. Scientifically as the name implies, it would fold inward and droop when touched. A friend told me ‘Kalau kita sentuh dia kan, tapi kalau dia tak kuncup, kita nanti kahwin dengan Prince Charming tau’. Ha ha ha ....... and guess what, we believed that. So there we were, the girls would touch PS everywhere we found one with the hope that it will not droop. 

A girl being a girl, what other than our favourite Disney Fairy Tales – Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella. We were exposed to an average girl married to prince charming. Exposed to believe that fairy tales, they do really come through if we believe that it will happen to you. 

One fine day, the PS that I touched did not droop. OMG! OMG! I thought that I would meet my prince charming. Ha ha ha .......... berangan. 

Anyways, it took years and years from the day that PS did not droop on me to the day I met my prince, my beloved husband. That’s why the PS that I touched did not droop . Ahaks! 

This note is dedicated to my beloved husband. I love you just the way you are. 

Salina Aris
20010830 am
